Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Theme Two: Leisure Time activities

We had a lot of fun making the different videos about what we do in our leisure time.  What we discovered is that we do a lot more things than our parents used to do but that some of the things are the same.

In the interviews we discovered that our parents used to spend much more time playing in the street than we do now.  They used to play a lot of games together with their friends like skipping and hide and seek.  They also used to play board games like parchis.  They also used to do things like play football but not in an organised way like us, they played with friends but we go to training sessions in a club.  This is because now we all have a lot more activities inside our homes, like internet, video games and so on.

They were also more in contact with nature.  They did things like going for walks going to the beach and even swimming in the river here.  At the weekends we go out a lot, we go to the cinema and meet out friends and this was the same for our parents.  One thing is very different, they used to come home at around midnight but we stay out till 4 or 5 in the morning.

 There weren't really discos for them, not like now.  There were a lot of dances in the different villages and they would all go to the different dances and village festivals.  They way they danced was different too.

We have discovered that opur parents went to bed much earlier than us, after school they did their homework and had dinner and went to bed.  Cinta told us in Joan's video that they were allowed to be outside in the street until it got dark.

We go to the beach with our friends at the weekend in summer but our parents used to go to the beach with their whole family and get together with other families.  We have seen that now we are a lot more independent outside our homes but that when we are at home we stay in much more than our parents did.

In conclusion we have seen that the things our parents did and what we do now are not very different in many ways.  Some things are different because activities have changed.  We have a lot more things to do at home, things related to technology.  But we are sure that if our parents had this technology when they were young they the situation for them would have been the same.